Top 10 Way to Secure Your Information in Digital World

What is Information?

The word "information" is used in many different ways. Originally, it comes from a word that meant to give a form to something. Information is something that people can learn, know about, or understand. For example, a newspaper contains information about the world. This article contains information about "Information".
Information is the summation of data. Technically, data are raw facts and figures that are processed into information, such as summaries and totals.

Information in Business

Information is important for survival of Business provided the information helps in decision making process . if the Information is predictive, it is the best bet because it gives the business leaders an opportunity to take corrective action before the event takes place. Information as a resource is valuable for businesses and individuals alike. We rely on good information to complete simple daily activities, but also when we’re making complicated business decisions.

10 Way to Secure Your Information in Digital World

1. Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

2. Encrypt your email.

3. Be careful with links and attachments in emails.

4. Look for privacy indicators on websites.

5. Use anti-malware and anti-virus protection.

6. Use strong passwords and change them often. 

7. Automate software updates.

8. Follow the principle of least privilege (POLP).

9. Beware of public Wi-Fi.

10. Turn off location data.        
